ChengChang has 30 more years of robust fundamental strength. Based on our profession and experience, in addition to the AEO certification in line with international standards, we will definitely be your most reliable business partner.
We have been certified by AEO as an enterprise with safety certification. AEO, abbreviated by Authorized Economic Operator, is also called "excellent enterprise". An excellent enterprise is an operator that helps the custom to achieve safety measures with certification. Any business regarding to international transportation of goods has to comply with WCO or equivalent supply chain safety standard.
The concept of AEO is similar to the mechanism of C-TPAT(Custom-Trading Partner Against Terrorism) of U.S.A. WCO has approved the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (WCO SAFE), which specifies the minimum criteria and the optimal approaches for international safe supply chain.
There are 2 core concepts in WCO SAFE – custom to custom collaboration, and cooperation between custom and private enterprise. To achieve the concept of "cooperation between custom and private enterprise", the mechanism of AEO is developed. The safety of global logistics supply chain is guaranteed mainly by the AEO mechanism.